Horseback rides
We offer guided horseback rides on smooth gaited horses. Join us and explore the magical forests on horseback!
On Ösjönäs the are different gaited breeds and you will meet Icelandic horses, Aegidienberger, Tennesse Walking Horse, Paso Fino and Rocky Mountain Horse. We offer guided riding tours with or without accommodation and food, you can also combine with our other activities.
When you book horseback rides it’s important that you tell us your weight, height and experience. “Swedish fika” or lunch is always included. Therefore, it’s important that you also let us know if you have any food allergies. We choose which horse you will ride, but if you have any requests let us know in advance.
The horses graze on many areas around Ösjönäs to create / restore the biodiversity. In your booking confirmation you will find information on where your ride starts. For the rookie-, two hour-, and half day ride we will meet at “Höjens lada” and for the full day-, 3 day- and Yoga & Ride weekend it will be at Ösjönäs.
Who can book?
Maximum weight is 85 kg. All riders need to be able to handle their horses independently in the terrain.
For beginners we recommend our “Rookie ride”. On other rides, you need previous experience so that you know what is required of you.
Our age limit is 12 years. Children under 15 yo need to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you have any questions:
What do I need to bring?
There are helmets to borrow if you don’t have your own.
We do not cancel ride because of sun, wind, rain, thunder or any other kind of weather. Please dress according to the weather forecast. The riding will not keep you warm so please bring an extra sweater if you feel unsure. Choose shoes / boots / wellies that are comfortable to walk and ride in.
It is always possible to go for a swim at Ösjönäs so don’t hesitate to bring your swimming gear.
Water bottle.
Payment, terms and conditions
If you book later than 30 days prior to your visit you will pay the total amount upon booking. If you book earlier than that you will pay 20% of the amount as a booking fee upon booking. If you wish to cancel your booking 20% of the total amount will not be refunded. You will receive an invoice with e-mail for the rest of the amount if you haven’t already paid it. You do not have to keep track on when and how to pay the rest to keep your booking with us in any other way.
How long in advance you can cancel your booking without paying the rest depends on what you have booked – for just a horseback ride it is 10 days. For packages including accommodation it’s 14 days.
If you have paid the total amount in time of the booking and wish to cancel within the dates above your money will be refunded except for the 20% that is the booking fee. You can in the booking process choose to be able to change date and time, if you do this you will easily manage your booking on the website.
For cancellation or any other questions concerning your booking please e-mail Again – please feel most welcome!
Description of the different rides
Two hour ride
Join us for a couple of hours on horseback. We ride on trails tracing through forests full of myths and legends. This is our shortest ride for experienced riders and is offered at 10 am or 2 pm most Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Meet up is at “Höjens lada”.
You are expected to have previous experience of riding and be able to handle your horse independently in all gaits. Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg
Halfday ride
For a ride in all gaits, on soft paths and sandy roads, come to Tiveden and spend some time with us and our amazing horses on this half day ride. This ride is offered on most Sundays and Thursdays. Meet up is at “Höjens lada”.
You are expected to have good experience of riding and be able to handle your horse independently in all gaits. Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg
Full day ride
Do the most of your day and spend it on horseback together with us in the wild woods of Tiveden. We gather at Ösjönäs for a breakfast / fika and plan our day. We go and get the horses together and prepare them for the day. We bring a packed lunch and enjoy it in the forest at some point during the ride. The full day ride is offered on Wednesdays most weeks.
You are expected to have very good experience of riding and be able to handle your horse independently in all gaits. Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg
Rookie ride
Bring your family and friends and come with us for a ride in the forest. This ride welcomes riders of all types and with varied prior experience but you still need to be able to handle the horse yourself during the ride. It is offered Saturday afternoons most weeks and on occasional other dates. Fika is included. Meet up is at “Höjens lada”.
Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg
3 day ride
Give yourself a long weekend in amazing nature – we eat good food, spend time in the hot tub and ride. Get the chance to find some stillness and take in life with all your senses. The riding will be on trails, small sandy roads and in all gaits. These days therefore, suits riders who are up for that.
You are expected to have very good experience of riding and be able to handle your horse independently in all gaits. Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg
Yoga & ride weekend
Active relaxation during a weekend where we eat well, breathe, hike, do yoga, swim and ride. The yoga and meditation is inspired from several traditions. We mix riding in the forest with yoga sessions both outside and inside. Accommodation is in guest rooms with comfortable beds.
You are expected to have previous experience of riding and be able to handle your horse independently in all gaits. Age limit: 12 years, under 15 years needs to be accompanied by an adult who knows how to ride. Maximum weight: 85 kg

Presentation of our horses
We are very proud of our horses and here is a short presentation of them:

Icelandic horse, 2005
Viska came as a tiny 4-year-old in May 2009. She quickly grew both in all aspects. Under a rider she is a very smooth horse with a beautiful 4 beat tölt. Viska is light red dun – during summer she has the same color as orange ice cream. She is energetic and sensitive, awake but not tense. Viskas preferred place is as second horse in line.

Icelandic horse, 2004
He was born in our garden 2004 and our very first foal. He is very much like his famous dad “Frami från Häringe”. He has 5 nice gaits, is quite large and weight carrying. He is willing to work and well behaved (most of the time). He has seen most of the forests and everything in them by now.

Icelandic horse, 2004
Segull likes to stand a little to the side of the centre of events. A heart of gold, well trained with fine established gaits, responsive and willing to work without too much nerve. He is ridden with a smile by all kinds of riders – maybe he is the perfect guest horse? Born in 2004 in Iceland and came to us in autumn 2017.

Icelandic horse, 2009
Big, black and balanced Dofri is. He came early spring 2019. He still appreciates a rider who makes him feel like the shining star he is. He has inherited his dad Kongurs moves in five spectacular gaits. When his self-esteem is at its best, he presents a strong, beautiful and fast horse. Other days he’s more shy.
Aegidenberger, 2012
With his special colors and personality Janos is a true eye catcher. He appreciates the attention and appreciation but doesn’t want to go first or last in line. He loves being surrounded of others – both horses and humans. He is sensitive without being tense and has super soft movements even though he has more expressive movements than most of his friends.
Aegidienberger, 2013
Born in Denmark and lives normally in Götene with his family. We are so happy that we get to have him over the summers because he is such a star. Hannibal is a large horse with a lot of movement in all five gaits. Sometimes he finds it a bit crowded in the line and wants to go beside it and so he may.
Tennesse Walking Horse, 2007
Born in the USA and arrived via UK as the very first TWH to Sweden as a 7 yo. Lewis is our largest tölt horse. He is a very gentle tobiano horse that rarely trots but offers his tölt generously. He takes big pride in carrying you over rocks and roots in the forest. He moved to Tiveden in spring 2022.
Aegidienberger, 2019
Little brother Rockabilly is a young horse that is starting to work under saddle 2023. He is an intensely social horse that behaves more as a lapdog than a horse. He offers very much tölt and is a very easy going horse so far. As cute as a horse can be.
Gaited crossbreed, 2018
Paizana is the big sister that became a mum 2022 and now is started under saddle. She is a lovely mare with beautiful big eyes and loves people. Her mum is an Arab / Lippizzan cross and her dad Icelandic. Her baby Tizian is after an Aegidienberger stallion, Titan and can be seen at Ösjönäs.

Icelandic horse, 2007
He is a natural tölt horse with five soft, fine gaits. Solfari has lived here since he was 6 years old and has done a brilliant job since day one. And even though he now is Gabriellas horse he still works with guests. He prefers the front position and he takes all his tasks very seriously.

Icelandic horse, 2008
Dun, large and very well trained. 5 good gaits. Carries himself with strength and pride. One of our most willing horses. He is nowadays privately owned but still lives with the herd and works with guests from time to time and leads rides with his owner Berit. He is after Spuni frá Midistju (an elite stallion).

Paso Fino, 2010
Asterix is a gentleman with a lot of integrity. He generously offers soft tölt and collects himself easily. He is one of few Paso Finos in our part of the world. Highly educated and proud you can find in the front of rides together with his owner Lina. They both live at Vägens skola.
The horses from Ullekalv
Rocky Mountain Horses
Ullekalv is the only Rocky Mountain Horse stud farm in Sweden. We’ve cooperated for many years now and have the honour of having the mares that are not with foals in work under saddle. That enables our guests the possibility to meet horse like Honey, Percy, Whizzy, Iris and/or Bunny here. Read more: